


Hi there! My name is Madelyn Cao. I am the owner of Amethyst Atelier™. Welcome to my shop! :D

You might be wondering how to pronounce that second word, so here it is: “u-teh-lee-ay”. It simply means studio or workshop in French. Why name my shop Amethyst Atelier? Well, I’ll have to tell you how it all started...

Amethyst Atelier™ began as a coping mechanism, a way to heal from a loss, and a refuge from the stress of life. Right before the Covid pandemic, my husband and I suffered a loss. We tried for years to start a family and when we finally got pregnant, we unfortunately lost the baby. Coping with the loss is hard enough, but I also have to manage an anxiety disorder I've had since childhood, and on top of that the pandemic started. It was all too much. I needed something, someway to cope at home.

So I decided to pick up a new hobby, got into bookbinding, and immediately fell in love with it. I channeled all that stress and all that grief into creativity. I learned to make notebooks by hand, which turned out to be as enjoyable and therapeutic as journaling itself. Journaling has always helped me to cope growing up, but now that I can make my own journals, I can bring it to the next level!

I started making journals using artisan papers, papers that are full of textures, shapes, and vibrant colors. I wanted to make journals that are visually and tangibly engaging and could be very useful with grounding exercises. Before long, our baby room has turned into a small art and bookbinding studio and while we are still trying to start a family, the studio has become my new baby. 

I was healing and thriving and I wanted to share my experience and creations with everyone. I decided to nurture my new hobby and let it grow into a small business. On August 22, 2021, what would have been Baby Ray's birthday, I launched my online shop. With the help and prayers of my family and friends, I now have a means to help inspire others as well. 

Amethyst Atelier™ represents the resilience of those who suffer a loss or a mental condition, both acute or chronic. It encourages people to cope through journaling, grounding, pray-writing, composing, sketching, and other forms of outlet. Our name is derived from one of the most famous and prominent crystals, the amethyst, which signifies groundedness, tranquility, and calm. This reflects our goal for everyone.

We hope that our journals and stationaries can take part in your recovery and healing.